Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2011 Year End Banquet and Season Recap... A little luck and a lot of stubborn.

Well, 2011 came and went just like every other year- except for the fact that I'm an effing CHAMPION!!! This past year's TSCEC (Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit) Enduro season was a blast. I had a great time recapping some of the races as my 7th beer dribbled down my beard and onto my tattered VB Racing shirt at last night's champion dinner with some friends. It was a good night of sitting in an empty bar with an enormous trophy on the table, stuffing my face with wings and getting sauce on everything within a nautical mile (aka the "blast zone" if you've ever eaten with me when I'm pumped).

I recalled rolling into the long course section at Cycleland last year with a taco'd front rim, flat tire, and blown out hub that was supporting the rear sprocket with only the remnants of two bolts. As the check worker said go, I kept it classy with a Spartan kick to my buddy's Honda that sent him to the ground as I dropped the hammer and took off, only to find a log that gladly jousted me off the bike just in time for said buddy to roost me as he went by. Great day, and still came away with a podium spot!

Then I conjured up the memories of Barnwell Mountain, the 2011 TSCEC Enduro of the Year (Congrats Troy and crew!). I never thought I'd remember this one, because they say your brain can't recall pain. But when you have nightmares for six months afterwards, you start to piece the puzzle together. Part one involved me getting the assistance of another rider to remove my bike from the branches of a tree, where I apparently rag-dolled it hard enough for the bike to cartwheel up into a tree about five feet of the ground. The next highlight was getting run over by someone as I was dismounted from the bike on a gnarly off camber climb. I kept my cool and only cussed and screamed for a minute or two. I had places to be, and I was pretty well out of breath. And amidst several little Polaroid memories of pain and suffering, I distinctly remember having the conversation with myself where I was trying to determine which parts of my expired bike that I was going to remove and carry to the next check in order for it to count. On top of that discussion, nothing too heavy so that my uppercut was still strong enough to portray my frustration right into Troy's gut when I see him next. But right then, the bike fired back up and we got to the finish and limped back to the trailer to assess the damage. I still giggle fart when I see that first place trophy on my shelf. I was the only one in my class that even finished.

Then there was LTR. Played this one REAL smart. Decided to go out and buy myself a 2-stroke since I was completely unfamiliar with them and had never actually ridden one aside from a clapped out 1986 Yamaha IT 200. And instead of riding it before the race, we went to Supercross for the day. Had a few beers with the wrecking crew, screamed at James Stewart as he kamikazied Chad Reed in our corner, then stumbled out at midnight after successfully bribing Jeremy to drive us out to Lubbock to race a National Enduro. No sleep and a few more beers later, I was lined up on the starting line with a brand new bike and a mumbly nervous laugh. The kind of under-your-breath laugh that you do in situations where you have no idea what's about to happen, but you know it won't be optimal. Drop the hammer, catch second, then third gear... this bike is BAD ASS!!!! I love 2 strokes!!!!... out in front, and immediately over the bars in the very first corner in front of God and everyone else in West Texas. I remember several more falls, a few rattle snakes, and that's about it. I was exhausted.

Red River saw me get a critical pass in the schoolhouse section as I ghost rode the bike up a cliff (this is where you grab a handful of gas and hop off the bike before it gets weird, in hopes that the bike gets to the top with minimal damage). Then there was Caney Creek. Sand whoop after sand whoop, and came in to find myself a win by 6 seconds. On the race course for five and a half hours, and win it by 6 seconds. Very strange, but I'll take it!

Great stories of riding and racing all over the place. And excellent memories that I'll always have. Those tales that leave normal people confused and staring blankly as you try to explain the hilarity, until you find another enduro rider that understands. The stuff your buddies don't get, and ladies just don't care about, but means the world to you. A great year indeed, capped off with banquet food and an enormous trophy given to you by your tribe and a trophy girl that will forever be faster than you. A room full of faces you only recognize in the light of a campfire or squeezed into a helmet, laughing and clapping for you. It's a strange life, but makes for some great stories and memories. An entire department store full of people that know exactly the kind of ridiculous situations you bulldozed through to walk away with that trophy.

Here's to the 2011 TSCEC Board of Directors, all the clubs, and all the volunteers that made this season happen! Thank you all so much, and we'll hope to see you all on the trail in 2012!

1st Place - 2011 TSCEC Championship Series!!!

60 Seconds to Cycleland...

Our drive condensed to a 1 minute time lapse. Some nose picking, napping, laughing, yelling, and a punch to the face. Our wives can handle anything!

Timelapse to Cycleland : 1.14.2012 from woodybepierced on Vimeo.

Big Thanks to Seattime.co for the footage!

Christmas Riding in Post

Re posted from the boys over at Seat Time:

Video of Cole and Cameron Kirkpatrick riding in Post, Tx. The snow all week made for epic conditions. It was the first time that Cameron and Cole have gotten to ride at their place in Post since the fire in April. They gave big thanks to John Hughes for braving the cold and shooting.

Filmed by: John Hughes and Cole Kirkpatrick
Edited by: Cole Kirkpatrick

Riders: Cole and Cameron Kirkpatrick
Music: Up and Down by Chad Valley

Christmas Riding in Post from Cole Kirkpatrick on Vimeo.