Monday, July 8, 2013

New Tunes Time!!!

I distinctly remember walking my fat ass through the mall, past all the cool kids, head down so the girls wouldn't make me blush. Shuffling through the smell of Chikfila and the white noise of a consumer's haven, no time for the arcade. With that bright red sign in my sights, Sam Goody Music was my target as soon as I rounded the corner at dear old Midway Mall (RIP). 

I miss the days of fishing through all the music, thousands of CDs just waiting for me to take a closer look and maybe even a listen. Before Pandora told me what I liked, years before iTunes made everything a click away. Back then there were only rumors of the "Music Genome Project" that would allow apps like Pandora and Slacker to open a whole new realm of noise to my eager ears. 

Every time I catch myself feeling that occasional hunger for new music, I can almost smell Corn Dog 7 and remember that very hunt. Twenty bucks in my pocket, gonna get some new tunes. Some were a home run that would play over and over in my walkman, while others were a bust and sat in the case until they were traded in or given away. With the nature of my life, I spend about 12 hours a day with some kind of music playing. It carries a great deal of weight, helping carry my mood or express my feelings. But I caught myself unhappy with my Pandora stations, and after a few throwbacks in my library, I was ready for something new...

Enter Bliss N Eso, a 2 MC 1 DJ trio out of Australia with a bag full of tricks and a message to spread. Their 5th Studio album released a week or so back, titled Circus in the Sky.

I was late to our 4th of July celebration thanks to a bike ride with this in the headphones. I just couldn't stop. So much flow, a great rhythm, and the kind of production value that makes it hard to pick out one song. I just want to listen to the whole album start to finish every chance I get. It's unlike anything else I've got, and you can count on me going back and collecting their other albums and EPs. 
I dig hip hop. I love the energy, I love the beats, breaks and drops. However, I don't give a shit about ho's, bugattis, your whip, paint job, or how cool you think you are. So many rappers today have so much skill, but zero substance. You've got millions of people listening, and you're gonna rap about clubs and doo doo (every damn Lil Wayne song has a poop reference). It makes no sense to me. That's what really stands out with Bliss N Eso. Some songs are storytelling ventures that display a ton of talent, and the rest are filled with motivation, inspiration, and samples of the most energy-boosting variety. You can't help but feel good when you listen to it, and it will silence a car full of people so everyone can listen a little closer. 

Much love to Bliss N Eso for this album, and the track that lead me to them (Addicted). If you're a Flobots fan looking for a better tempo, or like the edge of Atmosphere without the hostility, give it a shot. If nothing else, fire up a Bliss N Eso Pandora station and enjoy.

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