Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Arky Trippin'...

First off, Happy Mama's Day to all the mommies out there! We had a helluva weekend ourselves. Once again, bachelor party time was upon us! But with amount of relentless debauchery that is our daily lives, we opted to do something a little different for our boy Kiwi. We went back to our roots and planned out an Arkansas trip to the very campground where a lot of us met, got to know each other, and have spent some absolutely epic weekends together! Byrd's Adventure Center in Cass, AR, was the setting for such a weekend, and proved to be a great spot to cut loose as always,

Friday started off with loading the Gnar Vee down with every machine we possibly could. I think the final number was 6 bikes plus all our gear, gas, etc. From there it was a nice drive up to Arkansas, taking note of just how flooded all the rivers were on the way. The scene was perfect- tacky dirt, green trees, and some potent elevation changes on the windy roads leading to Byrd's. We rolled in, set up camp right on the river, and took off for a quick jaunt Friday evening. The creek was deeper and rougher than expected, demonstrated by our very own champion superpro as he was completely submerged to the unmistakable sound of water being sucked into an engine. Some excellent field repair work later, the bike started back up and we were off for about 12 miles of ups, downs, rocks, and some very potent trails. As the sun went down, we headed to camp, got the fire started, and let the good times roll. Lots of laughs until we all finally bonked and called it a night.

Saturday proved great with a late start (an unusual occurrence for the racer types). I found a flat tire and got it fixed back up, then we threw on the gear, gave the newbies a quick lesson in moto, and threw our entire crew into a steep fire road to the top of the hill. Props to George and Kelly both for figuring it out so fast! Some great miles later, we set back for camp to get some lunch and were all blindsided by Bloody's bike seizing up on the road to camp. Absolute bummer considering it was just rebuilt. Thankfully, we had the 230 there for him to have some good times on. The rest of the day was exactly what you'd expect- BRAAAP!!! ALL DAY LONG! Good times were had, gnar trails were conquered, hills were crested, and logs were jumped. We even brapped some great water crossings and found some of the old enduro single track out there that provided some serious grin factor.

Saturday night was no less than awesome with a pow wow in the cold creek, then a killer camp dinner, and some adult beverages. Once again, lots of laughs, an obnoxious campfire, and a great end to a good day. Overall, an excellent way to celebrate Kiwi's nuptials and let some of the VB Racing crew cut loose for a weekend!

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