Friday, January 4, 2013

When in doubt, throttle out!

"When in doubt, throttle out." - The internal dialogue/ mantra of any off road racer aboard a two stroke. For the most part, this works well as a blanket reaction to anything mid-race. However, it must be coupled with the reality that "it's all good till it ain't." That said, new beginnings offer the opportunity to choose between this wide-open, all-she's-got type attitude and the far more safe path of scripted reality (i.e. grow up, consume, die).

Welcome to 2013... I chose my path...

With 2013, I realize that I've spent a significant part of my life planning on dying young. I'm having so much fun, I think I changed my mind. Also, I've officially survived at least 4 world-ending events. Thankfully, the Mayans were wrong and it looks like I'm gonna be around a while longer!
The new year is a time of resolution, to reflect and change, to stop bad habits or make new positive ones. The common theme is self improvement, and regardless of our success or failure we realize we want to be better. That in itself is a pretty large victory.

VB saw some growth in 2012. I dug a little deeper into the brand and found some momentum despite being injured and worthless for the majority of the year. However, real life came knocking at the door and I had to back off a bit and pursue some other things. It breaks my heart to choke down the very things that drive me. I like art, getting rowdy, cool pictures, and all around getting pumped up about life. Time to do more of it if I want to leave the lasting impression I dream of.

This year, you're going to get some more out of me. More art, more pictures, more awesome. There's a move in the works, a new studio, and a relentless amount of ideas. My resolution to you is to stay on the throttle in '13 and create a brand all you old schoolers will be proud to stand behind. To all my artists out there: stay inspired. Get outside more, draw more, see more, do more, create every day. Lets get some laughs, stay up all night with great ideas, and leave our mark on a world that seems to be in constant despair. WFO friends, give it all!

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