Thursday, March 14, 2013

The new Studio!!!

      I knew 2013 would be a big year, whether I wanted it to or not! After being sidelined most of 2012 with a few surgeries and recoveries, I felt behind and ready to catch up! As a very goal-oriented person, I decided to re-paint the big picture of my life, and the biggest way I wanted to do so was a new environment for myself and my pack. It was time to set up shop and let some roots grow, right here in North Texas! 
     I'm not very picky about my living space, but there are some strict requirements when it comes to my work space and the mutts. We are a force to be reckoned with! Worrying about losing my beloved studio and armed with a strange list of desires, I set out to find a home that would suffice in the area that I wanted to be in. Location is key, as one of my big goals is to ride my bicycle so much that the battery on my truck dies. This means I have to be VERY picky in what no one would call a "bicycle-friendly" town. I needed to be close (pedaling distance) to some food, entertainment, and friends. Also, I need some serious space. I grew accustomed to the compound, a 20,000 square foot facility attached to 52 acres of nearly lawless land, very quickly and was not too keen on leaving. With the way I am, the way my wife is, and our ridiculous pack of animals, I didn't have much faith in finding anything that would work. 
     With my Real Estate Broker license and keys in hand, I set out all over the areas I was interested in to learn some more. What I found has worked so well that I have trouble looking back on anything from the past! Without going into too much detail (I'm still old school about posting too much online), here's the breakdown: Steazy '70's split level with an enclosed garage turned game room, with an additional 2 car garage in a pocket neighborhood that has one of the best parks in town as the backyard. Add a 7' tall fence, some signature styling via my wife and I, and about three months worth of daily Lowe's trips later, she's coming to life! My favorite rooms- the garage and studio (ex-game room) or what I've referred to as my "Dojo" have seen the bulk of my skill-less, profanity intensive craftsmanship as I faced the learning curve of home remodeling. But I've kept pushing, and it looks great! Enough blabbering for now, check out some pics and the time lapse video from taking the studio from mild to wild!

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